I've been getting my courage up for the next round of computer learning. With the added space I'll be getting with the new office I'm going to finally add that windows machine. And unless I chicken out, I'm going to try to assemble it myself. I'll be following the sage advice of the Ars Technica staff who put together near monthly updates to the latest and greatest PC components. I'll be following their budget box recommendations, but for the more flush they also offer the midpriced hotrod box, and the no explanation necessary god box. Buy the parts, snap it together, how hard could it be? (Cut to picture of Jim gnashing teeth amid motherboards and hard disc controller ribbons.) And then for my next trick, I'm going to try to get it to dual boot linux. The ever inspiring Rasterweb has been documenting his attempts at Linux DIY in The Road to Linux, and not really having any good ideas myself, I'll try to do the same thing here. But I've got to get the machine first.
- jim 9-07-2000 3:20 pm

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