I love finding stories that remind me I live in the future. Here's one about how the Sydney Olympics are trying to beat conterfeit Olympic products. They have formulated a special ink which contains the DNA of one particular unnamed Australian athlete.
"The DNA-laced ink is being applied to most of the 3,500 official souvenirs -- some 50 million individual items. It's the largest deployment ever of DNA as a security device. McGill oversees a team of 60 'logocops' equipped with special scanners that can detect the DNA ink. The logocops will roam Sydney and other Australian cities, pouncing on street vendors and retail outlets to determine whether their merchandise is authentic."
I love the fact that they are keeping secret the identity of the human from whom the DNA was taken. Like maybe some counterfeiting mastermind could kidnap him, take some DNA, and whip up their own version of the ink? Muwahahahahahah. (link from /.)
- jim 9-12-2000 2:39 pm

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