Today's picture (archived here) is my niece Mary. Despite the fact that I am related to her, she is very cute. We had a great dinner with her in Providence.
- jim 9-14-2000 6:16 pm

looks like a baby sister
- Skinny 9-14-2000 6:24 pm

question -- is that your sisters? comment -- i before e xcept after sea
- dave 9-14-2000 11:14 pm

You are a sweetie for putting that picture of Mary on your web site. Sorry I didn't see it sooner. Do you have more that came out as well?
- elisabeth 9-15-2000 9:02 pm

You are a sweetie for putting that picture of Mary on your web site. Sorry I didn't see it sooner. Do you have more that came out as well?
- elisabeth 9-15-2000 9:02 pm

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