Just purchased tickets for the big Thanksgiving adventure. More exciting details to follow...
- jim 9-20-2000 10:18 pm

Supernatural Iceland Elves, trolls and ghosts Surveys show that despite their obsession with modern technology, as many as 80% of Icelanders believe in the existence of elves. Even today, roads have been rerouted and building plans redesigned or abandoned to avoid disturbing rocks where elves are said to live. All around the country, strange lava formations were once explained in folktales as trolls who were turned to stone when caught outdoors in daylight. But only children in Iceland believe in trolls today, and the once widespread belief in ghosts is in decline, some say because electricity has taken the fright out of the long winter nights.
- Skinny 9-20-2000 11:35 pm

november is a peak month too
- Skinny 9-21-2000 12:23 am

blue lagoon
- Skinny 9-21-2000 1:11 am

the elf town
- Skinny 9-21-2000 12:13 pm

must read--see next last paragraph pg 4 for my su(in)jested thursday adventure
- Skinny 9-22-2000 5:31 pm

our name is Gang Green
- Skinny 9-22-2000 7:17 pm

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