Dave and I once had an idea for a bar that would have lots of T.V.'s connected to vintage home video game consoles. Pong, Atari 2600, intellivision, colecovision. We had Pong when I was in second or third grade, but that was the last machine I had. I remember going to my friend Chris' house down the street and playing missle command on his 2600. That machine was sweet. The joysticks looked like something Apple would make today. Anyway, here's a page by some guy who is way more nostaligic about the 2600 than me. He built his own portable unit. The original cartridges plug right in. He even imitated that great 70's styling. Of course the site could be a fake, which would raise the interesting question of which activity is more disturbingly geeky: faking all the pictures in photoshop, or actually building the thing IRL. Sure, I was wrong on the potato powered web server (fake,) but this one seems legit. Apparently he's going to build another one, and at that point put the first one up for auction on e-bay. Some newly rich thirty year old is going to pay a lot of money to be able to carry around all those childhood memories. You didn't throw out all your cartridges did you?
- jim 9-24-2000 9:12 pm

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