Took a really long walk yesterday up through midtown. I used to walk around (and bike around) the city more than I do now. Yesterday's trek brought back all sorts of memories.

Housing is always tricky here, and at one point (years ago now) I didn't have a real place to live. I had lots of places I could stay, but no real home. That's when I really walked around a lot. As if the whole city was my home. Now those days seem far away, but on the right day, if I walk far enough, I'll find myself back there again.

Anyway, I was going to say: Took a long walk yesterday and ended up stopping into CompUSA on 5th in the 40's. I was looking to see a Sony Monitor MB is thinking about buying (GDM-W900,) and although they didn't have that, I did get a chance to play with the Mac OSX Public Beta. Sure, I've seen all the screen shots, but it was nice to see it in action. Looks sweet I think. It was running on a G4 tower, but I couldn't tell if it was a Multi-Processor or not. If it wasn't, then I don't know what everyone is complaining about in terms of speed, because the desktop seemed very responsive. Quicktime movies played well (and I've heard they don't.) I cannot wait to get it (looks like tomorrow, as FedEx is saying it has left the sort facility in Newark, NJ.) You, gentle reader, will be the second to know.
- jim 10-01-2000 4:11 pm

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