I am trying to be patient. The new machine (cerebus? It has two brains after all) was loaded on the FedEx van this morning at 7:45. This means it is somewhere in Manhattan, winding its way through the crowded streets. But I don't know when it will find its way to the lower east side. This reminds me of a time in high school when I was at my parents house on Cape Cod waiting for my then girlfriend to arrive for the weekend (driving from NYC.) I had only a rough idea of her arrival time (pre cellphone days,) but at one point, for no apparent reason, I stood up from the kitchen table, and not knowing what I was doing, walked out to the end of the driveway. As soon as I got there her car appeared over the top of the hill down the end of the street. Strange. Made me tingle all over.
- jim 10-02-2000 4:27 pm

what machine??
- Skinny 10-02-2000 4:59 pm

and jim whats the brand of exersize bike??
- Skinny 10-02-2000 5:45 pm

MB's new computer.
- jim 10-02-2000 9:09 pm

i remember now so you can get your b/w back--why do you want a b/w??--and the bike name when you can
- Skinny 10-02-2000 10:17 pm

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