It's here!
- jim 10-02-2000 7:43 pm

First post from the new machine. About 10 minutes to get up and running. Weeded out the extensions / control panels. Turned off Virtual Memory. Set up internet preferences. And away we go. Now I just have to install the second hard drive (one of the new IBM GXP series,) partition it, and then copy the system over onto that drive (because it's faster.) Then I'll install all of MB's software (illustrator, photoshop, ATM, ATR, Quark) and get it up on the ethernet. Still have to get the griffin iMate so I can plug her ADB Wacom tablet into the USB. Fun fun fun. Then I get my machine back and I can start installing OS X.
- jim 10-02-2000 8:30 pm

The new mouse is weird. It may not really work perfect on just any surface. I'm noticing it's a little jumpy. I'll have to see about a mouse pad.
- jim 10-02-2000 8:31 pm

Back from dinner. OS X is installed (I couldn't resist putting it on this machine too, especially since there is so much disk space.) I'm writing from it right now. I haven't been this excited about anything in a long time. I'm sort of embarassed about my enthusiasm. This site looks like crap. The font doesn't work at all. But it is much faster on this dual G4/500 machine :-) MB might have to wrestle me to get it back. Lots of learning to do, but now I've got the power of BSD.
- jim 10-03-2000 1:18 am

I'd like to know how OS X knows what time it is. I installed it on a brand new machine. I first installed 9.04, but I didn't set the clock (and it was definitely not correct.) Then Iinstalled OS X, and it immediately knew the correct date and time. I had a modem plugged in, but I hadn't configured any network settings or anything (and I'm not on a local network yet.) How did it know? Weird.
- jim 10-03-2000 4:19 pm

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