OS X is working out great, except I need Apple to release the developer tools so that I can install PHP and my database. Luckily I just learned they have been posted on Apple's developer site (which I wisely signed up for a few weeks ago.) Unluckily, it is a single 69 megabyte download! I guess real developers (of which I am not one) have fast connections. I decided what the hell, and gave it a shot on my 56k (yeah, right) but at first I got no response, and now the site seems overloaded. No doubt you are on the edge of your seat, entranced by this and other incredible tales of adventure. Have no fear, lots more excitement to come, and I will probably continue to insist on documenting it all right here. Tomorrow I'm scheduled to futz around in the morning wasting too much time reading other sites, and then in the afternoon I might complain some more about the office not being ready. In between I'll procrastinate some more on the latest job. So stay tuned for all the news!
- jim 10-13-2000 8:09 pm

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