Hung out last night with some really nice friends of MB's who were visiting from Colorado. I was actually surprised to learn that, apparently, people in the rest of the country hate the Yankees. This comes as quite a shock to me. And now I see Dave Winer has been bad mouthing the Yankees as well, saying they "have no philosophy." I'm really not sure what that means, but frankly, not having a "philosophy" doesn't seem like a real stopper for a baseball team. One thing's for sure: we're going to enjoy the world series here in NYC.
- jim 10-18-2000 10:26 pm

Subway series Bootleg T-shirts went on sale 10/18/00 in the am. next to the WTC near BurgerKing. Anyone notice the lack of D and R political campagne buttons and bumper stickers this time around ? I've only seen a few Nader buttons. I think I've been won over by the "federal matching funds for Green party in 2004 if they can capture 5% " reason for voting for Nader even if it does sacrifice Gore's win this year.....for today anyway. Hello swing vote.
- bill 10-19-2000 3:27 pm

the editor of the nation suggested that you find out how close your state is polling on bush/gore before you go for nader. ny and nj were tight but both are expected to go to gore in which case you could vote nader with a clear conscience. the 5% mark is another good reason to vote for nader.
- dave 10-19-2000 7:07 pm

gores lead has recently narrowed in nj so its a real moment to moment tweaker.
- bill 10-19-2000 7:27 pm

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