What a bizarre game. Sure the Yanks are up 2-0, so I'm happy about that, but some of the steam seems to have been taken out of the series. What was Clemens doing? Not too smart. I hope we can put that behind us, but I fear that even if the Yankees go on to win, a lot of the boasting that should go along with that will have to be toned down. A little humble remorse seems called for on the part of the Yankees faithful, and that takes most the fun out of the subway series. Still, you have to admit, Clemens can sure pitch.

Is it true that more batters get hit in the head in the American league? The announcers sort of implied this at one point when they were talking about the DH rule, and saying that if pitchers in the American leauge had to bat, there would be less head hunting. Sounds reasonable, but is it true?
- jim 10-23-2000 7:08 pm

what do you mean that youre happy about that? fred lynn would be turning over in his grave if he were dead. ever since piazza got thwacked this summer commentators have been saying that since american league pitchers dont have to worry aabout coming to the plate they are more inclined to come inside and possibly hit someone. i cant recall an instance where someone checked the facts but it sure is part of the present lore.
- dave 10-23-2000 11:10 pm

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