Sirius (a.k.a the dog star) is a very interesting star. Here's the story of one mystery surrounding it (namely: how did an ancient West African tribe know details about the star that western science did not learn until 1970?) Not covered in the article is the popular fringe science belief that Sirius (which is actually a two star system consisting of Sirius and a smaller white dwarf star Sirius B) could be collapsed to form a blackhole that could then be used in the construction of spacetime machine. Probably we better check with the dog gods before we try that one.
- jim 10-23-2000 7:34 pm

does it discuss how dog spelled backwards is god and dogon spelled backwards is no god?? and how aiko or iko iko is a song tramsmitted from sirius to the dogon that later went to france to new orleans??
- Skinny 10-23-2000 8:47 pm

I cant find dogan in the dictionary. Dogan ?

dogdays heliacal rising of dogstar (July / PROCYON)
doggish : (2) stylish in a showy way
doggone : DAMN
doggoned : DAMNED
doggo : in hiding
doggerel : loosely styled and irregular in measure
dogie : motherless calf
dogma : established opinion

- bill 10-24-2000 6:12 pm

The OED has an entry. It says 'dogan' is Canadian slang for an Irish Roman Catholic. I've never heard that before, but of course I'm not Canadian.
- jim 10-24-2000 6:17 pm

opps spelled Dogon fixed... is that in the dictionary
- Skinny 10-25-2000 1:11 am

No, no alternate meanings for 'dogon' in my dictionary, although you're right, that is the correct name of the tribe. At least I know some slang now for Irish roman catholic (if I'm ever in Canada.) I wonder if it's pejorative?
- jim 10-25-2000 4:20 am

......sometimes I feel like a motherless calf.

- bill 10-25-2000 10:16 pm

I can understand your frustration when looking for information on "Dogon" using what we have as an accessible knowledge base. I first learned of this tribe almost twenty years ago while taking a socialology course at a small, local college. Having lived most of my life in the Southwest, I already had a serious connection to Native American studies. The open-minded professor loaded us down with many obscure handouts and the Dogon social structure was one of them. At this time I was and still am, an androngenous, surving flower child with unfulfilled questions about the universal, mythological belief systems of Gods and Goddesses. There are just too many universal similarities of the star systems and spirals and winged creatures and DNA strand paintings to ignore the possibilities.

It haunts me to this day; that's how I found you because once in a while, I still look to see if anything new is being studied about the Dogon.

If you are not already familiar with the Native American Hopi word, Sohu, which means "star" and their mythological history regarding the Orion constellation, you might find it quite interesting. I also read that there is an Egyptian word, Sahu, that refers to star gods in Orion.

We take for granted our little calender of 360 days and twelve months in a year, we can chart weather patterns and tides, we can even chart the years of expected comets and eclipeses. Yet most of us do not think about the patterns of stars and planets and solar systems that are thousands of years long and yet they do exist and they do occur. I have this strange, inborn gut feeling that someday, and oh, I would be thrilled to have it happen in my lifetime, someday a planet that only happens this way every 20,000 years will appear out of nowhere! It could be the place where the "Gods" came from when their planet was close enough for them to travel to us. Or perhaps their planet died as ours will someday. Still, it is much more soothing to believe that somewhere out there, the universe is full of Gods and Goddesses just waiting to be discovered and to discover us.

Good luck with your quests.

Good luck on your quest.

- Waiting for God (guest) 6-20-2004 9:30 pm

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