Last night in a dream I was talking to some guy. I can't remember what we were talking about, probably because I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy being amazed by his shirt which was covered in multi-colored fractal patterns that kept morphing into new shapes and designs and colors. The harder I looked at the fabric, the more swirling activity I saw. It seemed to be eminating from far down in the shirt and then rushing out toward me, growing bigger, as if the surface of the shirt itself was somehow three dimensional, and the patterns were fireworks, exploding somewhere far below, and rocketing up toward me, out of the shirt. I remember being very pleased by this, and thinking matter of factly, "I'm going to get one of those shirts."
- jim 10-24-2000 12:10 am

moschino 2015
- Skinny 10-24-2000 3:05 am

LOL. I'll probably wait for 2016 and see if I can find it at Century 21.
- jim 10-24-2000 5:50 pm

Try Century 22.
- alex 10-24-2000 6:49 pm

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