Bushism of the Day:
"It's important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It's not only life of babies, but it's life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet."--Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000
Huh? Dark dungeons? Does he mean that thing with the dragons and the funny dice? That's so pre-internet, but I guess he's got the right social group. Come to think of it, I seem to remember my mother warning me about Dungeons and Dragons as well. If only I had gotten into it, I'd probably be some sort of unix wizard by now, writing obfuscated one line perl programs to calculate the amount of hit point damage my stock options could do against a heavily armed phalanx of suited capitalists. Instead I wasted many years trying to fit in and kiss girls. Oh well.
- jim 10-27-2000 9:49 pm

Your mother was only trying to protect you from nightmares. That same mother remembers the many long years you were a fanatic Red Sox fan. In third grade, in response to an assignment that required a little fantasy, you refused to resurrect Baby Ruth from the dead because he was a Yankee. You could do batting averages before you learned multiplication. You even cooperated in purchasing a Carlton Fisk tee shirt for that same mother. Yaz pictures on the wall.... It is with heavy heart that I see my flesh and blood a Yankee fan. I cheered for the Mets. I have been waiting all my life for a Red Sox win. That is what a true fan does. Stick with the object of affection despite dismay. Sounds like a mother!
- jeanne 10-28-2000 2:59 pm

i,m with you jeanne--boston red sox forever!!
- Skinny 10-28-2000 8:20 pm

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