I'm starting to see how this works. Verizon makes an appointment, but can only give you an 8:00 am to 5:00 pm window (thanks, that really narrows it down.) Then they don't show up, and not only do they not acknowledge this fact, they say they did show up and it is your fault for not being there. This happens a few times, and then when you get mad enough to start writing semi-nasty emails to people, Covad somehow "loses" your order!
"Thank you for contacting Covad Customer Care. Unfortunately, I was unable to retrieve any information pertaining to your order. I attempted to run a search in our database, but to no avail. If you can, please resend the following message indicating the Covad order number. Once we receive this piece of information, we will be able to assist you immediately."
I don't think I will ever get my DSL.
- jim 11-08-2000 9:28 pm

When you place an order, can you request an order confirmation number ? Or a job number or some othere internal reference number ? Pin those fuckers down with their own paperwork ?!?!?!
- bill 11-09-2000 2:01 pm

Yes. This morning I received a reply from Covad to my follow up about my order being lost. Supplying them with their own order number seemed to clear up the problem. They actually sent a very nice email. Interestingly, it's the first contact I've had (out of maybe 8 different people) with a woman. She seemed to be in "mending fences" mode. I wonder if my rather lengthy disgruntled rant got me put into some sort of "handle with care" category. I'm not thinking this will actually speed anything up, but it is nice to have some communication where the other side seems human.
- jim 11-09-2000 5:40 pm

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