Here's a PDF (via megnut) from an MIT professor detailing the statistical probability that Buchanan really got as many votes as he did in Palm Beach (answer: 1 in 3,000,000,000,000,000.) That seems significant, but still the question remains as to what does the law say about situations of this sort. Lawrence Tribe (Harvard constitutional law professor with ABC news affiliations) was on TV last night making a very strong case for the legality of a Gore challenge in Florida. There is definitely precedent in the state for adjusting the vote count. It happened in a Miami mayoral election. Tribe even pointed to a recent Florida supreme court decision that seems to mandate adjustments to the vote count in such cases. He didn't exactly seem unbiased, but he is a heavyweight.
- jim 11-10-2000 4:45 pm

tribe is often cited as the type of lawyer that a gore administration would like to elect to the supreme court but is considered too liberal to get past a right leaning congress. i would agree with his pronouncements but his unbiased credentials are often in question. hes a big favorite with the media -- charlie rose loves him. i think he was on it last night. in fact, i think he was on live and the feed was lost so charlie rose was left to improvise for about a minute before they ran with a taped segment. first charlie slowly recounted what had already happened on the show and then he started reading an op-ed piece someone wrote. it was mildly amusing. you could almost hear him saying to himself, "just keep talking. were on live. cant stop talking. dead air is death." i think its rebroadcast at 130pm today on pbs.
- dave 11-10-2000 5:57 pm

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