Hillary has already pledged to reintroduce a bill that would abolish the electoral college. I tend to agree, although here are some reasons we may want to keep it.
- jim 11-12-2000 7:22 pm

seems pretty unlikely that it will happen. in order to change it they would need to alter the constitution. first they would need 2/3 of the senate and then 2/3 of the states to ratify. since everything seems split down the middle right now unless there was overwhelming public support which is doubtful nothing is going to happen. she should support monies to update polling resources so the fate of the nation doesnt hinge upon whether people pushed a little square of paper hard enough to dislodge it or that peoples votes were accidently miscast.
- dave 11-12-2000 8:08 pm

Looking for daylight in the Sunshine State

They are called chads, those little 1/8th inch long tabs of punched paper. and they come in digrees.

trichads : have three corners still attached and one corner pushed through
swinging chads : have two corners attached like a door
hanginging chads : have one corner still attached

The prgenant or dented chads don't count

Machine counted punch ballots may not count some of the partially punched chads. Hand count would let a partial punch through if there is "daylight" coming through. I wonder if this will lead to addl' double punches not picked up bfr

From todays NYT Rick Bragg and Don Van Natta Jr.: When the hand count began shortly before 2 pm Saturday, the ellection officials used the "sunshine" rule, meaning they looked to see wether a sliver of light peeked through a ballot punch. If it did, the vote counted. But midway through the first precinct, after Mr. Gore had quickly compiled a net gain of 11 votes, the Republicans objected, and the canvassing officials agreed that the standard was incorrect.

Instead, the election officials followed the 1990 county rule that said sunlight could be used as a guide, but only if a chad was found to be hanging.If the box was merely indented, the vote would not count, assuming that the voter may have placed the tiny stylus in the position but then decided not to punch.

This is still not clear to me. Where do they stand on swingchad and trichad again ?

- bill 11-13-2000 5:22 pm

1. Tom Green in Charlie's Angels, 2. Those little pieces of punched refuse from voting ballots, and ??? They always come in threes these things. What will the third chad be?
- jimlouis 11-14-2000 12:30 am

i think i heard that the country of chad was planning on changing its name to the more afrocentric Dikembe. also, a new move was unveiled on the bmx freestyle tour, hanging chad. instead of spinning your bike around, you just do a three sixty on your seat. however, it doesnt count when your score is tallied.
- dave 11-14-2000 1:26 am

Amazing really, one day chad is barely a part of your conciousness, and the next...total chad overload.
- jimlouis 11-14-2000 1:52 am

fucking up a chad is called a Muffy.
- bill 11-14-2000 5:21 pm

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