Nice dinner last night with a few ridiculously old white wines. Afterward, around midnight, we suddenly decided to go see Charlies Angels. The fight scenes were good, but the whole package was pretty embarassing. No, on second thought, make that very embarassing.
- jim 11-12-2000 8:47 pm

you didnt write down the old wines for your OLD friend--THANKS
- Skinny 11-13-2000 6:00 pm

Yeah, well, as you might have guessed, that's because I can't remember. I'm looking into it.
- jim 11-13-2000 9:12 pm

O.K., this just in on the most interesting one:

"I forget the grower on the 1971 but the vineyard was the Winkeler Jesuitgarten (i.e. the Jesuit's Garden in Winkel) and it was an auslese."
Amazing color. It was positively orange. No sweetness left (as I guess you would expect) but my rather unskilled reaction was that it was in perfect condition.
- jim 11-13-2000 9:21 pm

great vintage and wine!!
- Skinny 11-13-2000 10:16 pm

I think he said he bought it for $35 in an on-line auction. It had some sort of Southeby's (sp?) sticker on it. Don't know much else, but that sounds like a pretty good price to me. How long can something like that last? Is its longevity due to the high sugar content?
- jim 11-14-2000 12:16 am

now is peak drinking unless 100% ideal storage from release than 10-20 more years, acid is the key to longevity, deep fruit (sugar) is its twin for flavor, thier balance is our passion
- Skinny 11-14-2000 3:45 am

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