Netscape 6 has been released. Do not bother to download this beast. Probably you should be using Internet Explorer (although it pains me slightly to say that. Yes I'm silly that way.) If you insist on using Navigator, stick with 4.75. I'm saddened by this whole episode, but since I wasn't able to do anything directly to help, I guess I can't really complain too much. Maybe there is still some hope for Mozilla, but it seems pretty clear at this point that Netscape is never going to release a good browser. I wonder if icab has those javascript problems worked out?
- jim 11-15-2000 3:23 pm

Since I never use it I recently removed Corel/Wordperfect from my computer and I had forgotten that Netscape was tied into that so I lost Netscape with all my bookmarks which upset me but life goes on and I just had to surf that day so I did so via IE which as far as I know really can't be removed from a Windows system and so combined with your comments I guess that's the browser I will continue to use, works good, and also, with the way things lay right now, I'd just as soon Bush was announced the winner, What does it all mean?
- jimlouis 11-16-2000 1:19 am

Netscape shouldn't be connected at all to Wordperfect. I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft made it very difficult to remove IE from a windows machine, but I've never tried. I mostly use Navigator 4.75 which I find to be fairly stable on the Mac, and I am very accustomed to how it works. IE is probably a little bit ahead with their 5.x series (even on the Mac) but I just don't like the way it feels. That's my problem though, as I know it is more compliant than Navigator (although still, ridiculously, not totally standards compliant.) Navigator had the chance with 6.0 to grab the high ground, but instead they released a still buggy browser that (still!) is not totally standards compliant, and it's loaded with tons of AOL crap that few people want.

As for losing your bookmarks, I can sympathize with you. My old computer is now out of commission, taking all my old bookmarks with it, plus I'm switching back and forth between operating systems on my new machine, so bookmarks I make on one side are not picked up by the other. I really want my bookmarks to be stored on the web so that they remain the same no matter what machine I am surfing from, but the system needs to be really really fast for it to be reasonable not to store them locally. I guess when I (if I) get my DSL I'll start experimenting.
- jim 11-16-2000 4:27 pm

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