This morning I ran out to the store to buy a centronix to DB-25 SCSI cable so that I could hook an external zip drive to H.'s machine to replace a defective internal drive. In my rush (lots of last minute errands before the trip) I bought the wrong cable. $30 - d'oh! Later, I returned, figuring I would just buy the right cable and put the wrong one in my growing inventory of "extra parts that might be useful someday." The owner of the store, who I had spoken with a few times, listened to my story, and then he said "Why didn't you bring the other cable back?" I explained that I had already opened the box, and there was no way to do that without tearing it, so I thought I couldn't return it. It was my fault, I had figured. "Oh no" he protested, "we're not that kind of store. You bring that one back, and we'll switch it." I was rather taken aback by his goodwill. "The box is damaged" I made clear. "That's O.K." he assured me, and then picking up the right cable he handed it to me "Here, take this home, make sure its right, and then bring me back the other one." And sure enough, I walked out of the store with the new cable on just my word that I would bring the other one back. I had to double check out in the street that I was indeed still in New York City. A few hours later I returned with the old cable. I showed him where the box was torn. He didn't care. He honestly seemed happy. He actually said "Well, the important thing is that you got it working." I'm serious, he said that! And then, to top it off, he noticed that the one I had bought was 29.95, but the correct one was only 17.95. "Here, let me get you the difference" he said, walking toward the cash register. Now this was really too much. "Look, let's just call it even" I offered, hopefully, "it really was my fault for buying the wrong one." "No, no" he protested, "fair is fair." "But I'm just charging it to someone else" I countered (don't tell H.,) "and I really appreciate you letting me exchange it. Let's call it even." "O.K." he said, in true statesmanlike fashion, and then thinking for another minute he said "how about a zip disk?" "Done" I said, and I walked out 100 megabytes richer. He might have lost on that deal, but he's got my business. If your needs run to the Mac side of things make sure you check out Digital Society on 10th street just west of Broadway, NYC.
- jim 11-16-2000 8:46 pm

they promply fixed my computer when it broke a button
- Skinny 11-16-2000 10:54 pm

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