The Red Herring (strangely) has an article about female tetrchromats, that is, women who have 4 different cone photopigments in their retinas, instead of the usual 3 (red, green, blue.) Some quirk of genetics precludes males from having this mutation, but it seems like some women do. When I read the intro I immediately wondered if they see CMYK color space, but I guess it is more like a fourth color somewhere between red and green in addition to the usual RGB trio. Looking around at the color scheme in this apartment I'm beginning to think that MB must be so blessed. I knew there had to be an explanation.
- jim 11-28-2000 8:41 pm

We ended up talking about this at dinner last night. Pretty interesting stuff. Here's what the slashdotters are saying, or here are the two (1, 2) techno-meaty comments if you don't want to wade through.
- jim 11-29-2000 2:58 pm

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