Here's a first hand report from a self styled "digital guerilla" about his travels in Brazil shooting digital video and editing on the fly with a powerbook G3. Not too technical (and I guess, really, not too interesting,) but this whole stlye is about to start happening. I'm hoping we'll be on the band wagon some time this year (i.e., by this time next year.) I still need a new server arrangement (I'm presently canceling my sDSL order and opting for colocation) and Apple (or Sony I guess) still has to make the right laptop (more speed, more disk space, longer batteries.) The cameras have been ready for over a year. And, of course, people need faster internet connections (dsl, or cable.) In the article, he was compressing 5 minute videos with sound down to 16 megs (from 1 gig.) It's not quite there yet (for instance, he ended up just fed ex-ing tapes back to the states because he couldn't find a fast enough connection,) but it's very close. And if there is any way to make traveling around the world into a job, we will find the path.
- jim 11-29-2000 2:03 pm

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