I've been experimenting this morning with a very basic caching scheme for this site. I have a very crude version working for my page. You can see the difference between this dynamic page, and the cached static page by following either of these links. In most cases, as would be expected, the cached page is tremendously faster. The downside is that it is not being configured for known users (i.e., no indication of new posts, and while you still see how many comments, you don't see which ones are new to you, plus, seeing posts on the static page won't effect the number of new posts shown on the main page - in other words, the system will keep telling you there is a new post until you see it on the dynamic page.) Also, for most browsers, you won't see any updates to the page unless you consciously reload the page. Overall I think the speed gain is probably worth it. I'll be doing more tests on this, and we could deploy this change rather quickly if we wanted.

Oh yeah, slightly new (anti-)design. Wooohooo.
- jim 11-30-2000 5:13 pm

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