Why hasn't the more like this style of blogging caught on? The more I think of how I want my blog set up, the more I come back to something like this. I want each post to have a category (or categories) that it falls into. Then the page becomes more like a database. You could choose to only see web related links, or only see personal posts, or only see posts about travel, or apache, or space, ect... Simple, really, but maybe it is not simple enough? Can you really categorize your interests in a rigid way? Maybe the simple "newest post at the top" blogger style is the most sophisticated thing we can do that still gets lots of people involved.
- jim 12-07-2000 4:29 pm

didnt we have that capacity before??
- dave 12-07-2000 4:55 pm

Possibly, I'm not really sure. You'd be surprised at what this system was designed to do. A lot more than we use it for (I guess because the more advanced features weren't designed well enough.) But maybe you are remembering the memepool-ish feature we had where you could click on a posters name (say, on the group page where there are multiple posters) and it would redraw the page with only comments from that one person. That's basically what I'm talking about, except in terms of topic categories rather than user names.
- jim 12-07-2000 8:00 pm

maybe youre right but dont you remember we could classify things as "blog" "technology" and at least one more category and i swear if you clicked on the classification it would sort out posts with the specified parameter. maybe im dreaming......
- dave 12-07-2000 8:14 pm

No, like I said, I can't really remember. Sounds like you're right. It's basically trivial to implement anything like that (because all the info is already in a database, and that's exactly what databases do.) The harder part is designing the system so that people use it. We'd have to have something like a pull down menu on the posting page, and every time you made a post you'd assign it a topic category. Is there any desire for this? It would be cool, but would it really be useful?
- jim 12-07-2000 8:33 pm

im pretty sure we had a prototype but you nixed it a) because you said it cluttered up the visual space b) it was unneccessary because of the paucity of posts and c)because things did not fit neatly into categories. d) im not sure what is the right thing to do is either.
- dave 12-07-2000 11:56 pm

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