Lots of people seem impressed by the new google toolbar which plugs into Internet Explorer 5.x running on Windows. If I ran Windows I would probably check this out. There are some privacy concerns, but Google is very upfront about what it is tracking, and they have such a good reputation that it's hard even for someone usually suspicious (like me) to get too worried about this case. And anyway, you can turn off certain features that work by knowing your surfing history and the toolbar will still be useful without any sort of tracking (even anonymous) going on. Let me know if anyone tries this out.
- jim 12-18-2000 2:49 pm

I'm Windows and recently changed from Netscape to IE5 and have seen the toolbar offer but as much as I love Google it still scares me a little and so I haven't gone any farther than dragging a Google icon to my Windows toolbar.
- jimlouis 12-18-2000 10:42 pm

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