It's mid-month time, so that means the new crypto-gram is out. This month Bruce Schneier (the encryption and computer security guru) talks about voting and technology (plus a bunch of other stuff.) He points to this site by Rebecca Mercuri, calling it "...*the* web site on electornic voting...." As I thought, the experts are all horrified at the thought of computer (and especially internet based) voting schemes. As Schneier puts it:
"Online voting schemes have even more potential for failure and abuse. We know we can't protect Internet computers from viruses and worms, and that all the operating systems are vulnerable to attack. What recourse is there if the voting system is hacked, or simply gets overloaded and fails? There would be no means of recovery, no way to do a recount. Imagine if someone hacked the vote in Florida; redoing the election would be the only possible solution. A secure Internet voting system is theoretically possible, but it would be the first secure networked application ever created in the history of computers."
This is a really hard problem to think of a solution for.
- jim 12-18-2000 7:51 pm

How about a voice vote? Everybody in the country goes outside and shouts, and someone in the middle of Missouri decides who won.
- alex 12-18-2000 9:14 pm

jim what time today??
- Skinny 12-20-2000 2:10 pm

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