Well, it must really be the Christmas season now. We went to a party last night in Brooklyn that turned out to involve everyone being assigned a part in the play "A Christmas Carol" which we then proceeded to read aloud. One act before dinner and one after. I'll admit to rolling my eyes and feeling slightly trapped when I learned of the evenings entertainment, but like so many things it turned out to be fun once we got going. I was Fezziwig, the second businessman, and the boy at the end to whom the transformed Scrooge gives money to buy a big fat turkey for the Crachets ("The one as big as me, Guv?") I kept thinking of Alex's appraisal of the story as one of the classic conversation tales of our culture. And it really is pretty good. I think Alex also said something about not being able to screw it up too much - due to the strong story line - but I'm not as convinced about that point. Fourteen unreheared rather drunken party-goers can do some dramatic damage. Still, thanks to a very good Scrooge and Marley we managed to hobble through. Certainly we all nailed that last line: "And to all a good night."
- jim 12-23-2000 3:23 pm

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