When I wrote about having monitor troubles I was refering to the fact that mine was refusing to wake up from sleep unless it was unplugged and left to sit for many hours (not too nice when you crash in the middle of the day.) But during my trouble shooting session yesterday I was carrying it up and down the stairs to test it on different machines, and I completely threw out my back. Is this the first shot of middle age? Seems a bit early if you ask me, but I'm hobbling around like an old man, that's for sure. I could barely get out of bed this morning. If I lay flat on my back, or sit or stand straight up, there is no pain.

So I've got that going for me.

How long does it take a back to fix itself? (Maybe I don't want to know the answer to that one.)
- jim 12-28-2000 3:26 pm

cant we do something about entropy? im tired of everything breaking down. where is that frictionless plane? i rented princess mononoke on dvd last night to play on my computer. halfway through it freezes up. reboot freeze. reboot freeze. reboot freeze. smash computer into a gazillion gigabits. and as usual i am waiting for the phone repairman, not for me but for my upstairs neighbor who has been w/o service for a week. have to access the roof through my apartment. dogshit on my roof. things to do -- 1)kill my nextdoor neighbors 2) rinse 3)repeat as necessary 4) take out the trash
- dave 12-28-2000 4:46 pm

lay flat on your back all day--have MB spoon feed you!!
- Skinny 12-28-2000 7:53 pm

Yep, flat on the back, and the MB spoonfeed scenario is a must, but better make it three days to be safe, and yes, it is as you suspect--the first major physical failing of your thirties is the beginning of the end. But take it in stride old (old) chap. There's still the senior's shuffleboard tournament to look forward to.
- jimlouis 12-28-2000 8:23 pm

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