MB took the neice and nephew (10 and 11) to see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and they didn't like it. It all makes sense to me now, but I wouldn't have expected this (at least from the boy.) His complaint? The flying looked stupid. And indeed, I see what he's saying. I think it's beautiful, but I guess it could seem a little hokey. He thought they should just flat out fly around. Why all this jumping and skipping, and almost flying? For me it was brilliant because I'm not convinced that (some) people can't fly, and if anyone can, I think they probably do in a way similar to what Ang Lee shows us (as opposed to, say, the way superman flies which I doubt any human can do.) Anyway, here's an interview with Mr. Lee.
- jim 12-28-2000 10:33 pm

I think its harder for kids to suspend disbelief because they haven't gained the experience that may show them their lives depend on it.
- jimlouis 12-29-2000 11:02 pm

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