I'm still trying to digest this article which is subtitled "how to make the free distribution of content profitable." I think he may have something here. Sort of radical, and I think the big content publishing industries are going to have to go through with (the failure of) the "trusted client" model first, but Mr. Copley has at least hit upon a scheme that could work. I wasn't sure this much was even possible. Very intriguing.
- jim 1-07-2001 3:33 pm

O.K., this isn't going to work. I've tried a few times to summarize what I'm thinking, but it is hard to say quickly. This was an interesting one, but I just can't see how to make it happen. There is a kernal of goodness in there (namely, the seperating of direct payment from the copyright meta information to disuade the unauthorized removal of said information - sort of like tipster does.) As usual, I've come back to thinking that everything has to be free, and if that means that less content gets produced, as critics charge, I can only wonder if this is really such a bad thing?
- jim 1-08-2001 7:01 pm

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