Jobs did announce single processor 733 mhz desktop G4s, but they won't ship until February, and even then supplies will be limited. This is total vapor meant to calm Wall St. It is well known that Motorolla cannot presently make anything over 600 mhz in quantity, so this announcement basically means nothing. Or worse. I'm prepared to eat my computer if they are shipping quantities of 733 machines before March 1, and frankly, I'll be highly surprised if they are shipping before May 1. Anyway, the big news is the powerbook. Exactly as expected. 400 and 500 mhz g4 models. 15.2 inch screen! DVD, firewire, usb, irda. 1 inch thick! (This is .15" thinner than the thinnest Sony Viao!) 5 lbs. Titanium enclosure. Jobs calls it "unreasonably thin." :-) 5 hour battery life, DVD, and that wide screen are going to be turning a lot of heads on those cross country flights. Unfortunately I coudn't get the webcast (don't ask) so I am still searching for a picture of this beauty. Regardless, my pavlovian responses are in fine working order. Now if only they've made enough of these things. If so I think this could be the best selling Apple ever. And boy do they need it.

updated: here is a small, head on shot from Apple's site.
- jim 1-09-2001 7:12 pm

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