More on IT, the mystery product from Dean Kamen's DEKA research. Here's a patent (granted in 1999) that some people are saying is IT, although others are saying that this patent is for a wheelchair device which has already been released to the public. Huh? Looks like a pretty strange wheelchair if you ask me. In response to all the recent hype (which you can only suppose DEKA was somehow the instigator of,) they released this press release intended to deflate some of the more outrageous speculation. It reads, in part:
"DEKA is currently working on several exciting projects. The book proposal referred to one. However, the leaked proposal quoted several prominent technology leaders out of context, without their doubts, risks and maybes included. This, together with spirited speculation about the unknown, has lead to expectations that are beyond whimsical. We have a promising project, but nothing of the earth shattering nature that people are conjuring up."
Maybe it is that weird scooter thing after all. $2000? It better be fast. Or something.
- jim 1-15-2001 5:01 pm

Here is some more detailed (although not necessarily more correct) speculation on Ginger.
- jim 1-15-2001 9:10 pm

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