I don't want to jinx my good luck by speaking too soon, but I've rebooted my computer 3 times today and the monitor has come back on every time. I'll try shutting down when I go for dinner and see if that works too. Not sure how it could have fixed itself (or even that it really has,) but here's my theory. There are two batteries in the monitor, one big one that powers the storage of all the preference info for the on screen display settings, and a smaller one that serves to just protect the most important low level stuff that allows the monitor to work at all. The problem I was having was "solved" by unplugging the monitor for > 2 hours, which I think was just draining the main battery and forcing some sort of internal reset which would allow the monitor to work again. But the problem was in the secondary battery which has a much longer life. This one had never run down during the unplugged times until this weekend when it was off for 4 days. Maybe this finally cleared out the problem? I can hope right? In any case, if it is actually fixed, this will be good evidence that procrastination can sometimes pay off, as I would have spent at least $200 to have someone else solve this (potentially) simple problem. Keeping my fingers crossed...
- jim 1-15-2001 10:09 pm

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