The controversy is heating up over Apples new "Superdrive" (DVD-R/CD-RW.) John Gilmore is saying that Apple is not disclosing the content protection mechanisms built into the drive. He, and others, contend that Apple's drive (OEM'd by Pioneer) will not record industry recorded digital content (i.e., other DVD's, HDTV signals, streaming webcasts, ect...) A lot of people are mad about Apple not mentioning this little "feature", but others aren't so sure this is a real problem. I quote from HTP:
"BTW, I'm not so sure that Gilmore is correct. You can already use software from RipDifferent to extract MPEG-2 bitstreams from DVDs. AFAIK there is no way to tell whether an MPEG-2 bitstream came from a DVD or whether you encoded it yourself. So then all you'd have to do is use DVD Studio Pro to burn the bitstreams to a blank DVD. If you can't find DVD Studio Pro on Hotline, maybe someone will use the drive documentation (if it exists) to write a freeware burning tool."
I guess we'll get this sorted when Apple finally ships the drive.
- jim 1-24-2001 2:58 pm

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