This interesting tidbit was supposedly part of a memo leaked from CNN (posted on Drudge.) Good stuff for you media convergence revolutionaries.
"We intend to accelerate our plans to introduce compact hi-tech newsgathering gear. Look for the quick introduction of small, high-quality DV cameras and laptop editing equipment (a Mac laptop), enabling us to deploy smaller reporting teams one or two people at times when it makes sense. Larger gear will be with us for some time to come and will be used as needed. But the days of routinely dispatching three- and four-person reporting teams with cases of bulky equipment are approaching an end. As we introduce this new gear, correspondents would do well to learn how to shoot and edit (even if called upon only occasionally to utilize those skills), and smart shooters and editors will learn how to write and track. While this is not a one-size-fits-all strategy and CNN will always value exceptional ability, the more multi-talented a newsgatherer, the more opportunity the News Group will provide that person."
Now all we need is for these multi-talented micro-gadget equiped reporters to realize that they don't really need the bulky behemoth CNN either. (via ars)
- jim 1-24-2001 3:09 pm

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