Sad news. Tarzan (the bird) passed away yesterday. Unlike Angel, his partner who died many months ago without warning, we noticed something was wrong with Tarzan yesterday morning. As the day progressed it became clear that it was pretty serious. MB and I took turns holding him all day, but around 6:00 pm he died in MB's arms. Services to be held today. The building is going to be a much more quiet place. For all the complaining I did about his early morning squawking, I loved him a lot. Bye bye birdie.
- jim 2-02-2001 4:54 pm

I'll miss his noisy greeting at your door. Birdsong is always uplifting, even when it's not particularly "beautiful". Interesting piece in the current New Yorker about the local feral parrots; I'm sure he did better with you guys.
- alex 2-02-2001 6:48 pm

RIP lil' birdie.
- bill 2-02-2001 9:55 pm

:<( sorry MB and jim--time for the puppy!!!
- Skinny 2-02-2001 10:59 pm

I saw that too. Really great article I thought.
- jim 2-03-2001 2:40 am

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