O.K., I'm back. Thanks to the Wheel's new viao I am the proud new user of a graphite iMac. Nice little machine so far. Not quite the dual 500/radeon G4 I had been using, but that is really MB's machine and I guess the time has come for her to start using it. And frankly, for surfing the web and writing PHP scripts in BBEdit I'm not sure I need all that power.

While from the outside it may look like I have taken a little break from the computer world, I can assure you that this was not the case. While I wasn't actually using a computer for a few weeks, I was very busy thinking about them. And about this site. All previous plans at a system wide rewrite have been suspended, and a brand new plan has been put into place. It is all layed out in the most abstracted way (pen and paper flow chart type stuff,) and only awaits the new server to begin the birthing process. I think I'm on to something this time. Details to follow.
- jim 2-06-2001 2:59 pm

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