If you were going to be transported back in time to the distant past, what is the one modern item you would elect to take with you (excluding the time machine itself.) Or, in other words, what's the most important modern item for survival in a world otherwise devoid of modern conveniences? Bic lighter?
- jim 2-07-2001 6:09 pm

If you can judge by the 19 c house crew, I think the answer would be tampons and shampoo. So I'm gonna go with those.
- bill 2-07-2001 6:39 pm

how distant in the past?
- dave 2-07-2001 8:24 pm

You're a bald male, what're you going to use them for, bait?
- alex 2-07-2001 10:16 pm

ok, gum and nylons
- bill 2-07-2001 10:32 pm

I was thinking that you wouldn't know.
- jim 2-08-2001 12:53 am

a book of useful recipes, penicillin, hash brownies, etc.
- jimlouis 2-08-2001 1:10 am

all i need is a leatherman and a roll of ducttape. i could take down a pre-columbian central american empire or a t-rex with just those two things. also, youd better make sure that lighter works before you leave. and why not a flame thrower? so much more effective. wait, i know the answer. if you are travelling through time you obviously need a watch. nonono, all you really need are two cherished works -- the us constitution and the bible. whose gonna mess with you then, huh? you? punk?
- dave 2-08-2001 2:02 am

spam cause i,m sure the eggs are green
- Skinny 2-08-2001 12:24 pm

all you need is...
- dave 2-08-2001 3:51 pm

This probably doesn't count as "one item" either, but it is "all in one." This is probably a better choice. If only it had a bic lighter built into the handle... I just don't trust my wilderness fire starting abilities.
- jim 2-08-2001 4:36 pm

im still frunting for my peeps at leatherman but how bout this item for the power mac daddy? or this looks pretty handy if you are trying to catch a fire.
- dave 2-08-2001 6:08 pm

questionable politics but lotsa links at the survival center.
- dave 2-08-2001 7:15 pm

heres a helpful survivor guide for bubbela.
- dave 2-08-2001 7:45 pm

So just what do you have to show for all that money Mom & Dad spent on summer camp?
- elisabeth 2-08-2001 8:41 pm

He developed a fear of badgers.
- alex 2-08-2001 9:11 pm

i think he learned that hed better live in a city. also, he developed a taste for fine cuisine and a healthy disrespect for authority.
- dave 2-08-2001 9:21 pm

I just can't handle these hypotheticals. Or is it hyperthetical? I mean, how does this work? I just appear out of nowhere? People will either kill me or worship me. Either way, the survival issue is moot. I think I take my chances with the "when in Rome…" strategy. Or maybe we're talking further back. Are there dinosaurs? If there are dinosaurs, I want a binocular, 'cause I want to see them, but I don't want to get too close. Actually, a binocular would come in handy in all sorts of situations. It's not a weapon, but it's invaluable for hunting, and would help you win a war, not to mention it could make you very rich in a pre-telescope trading center (advance knowledge of arriving ships or caravans can be parlayed into big bucks).
- alex 2-08-2001 9:47 pm

I love the idea of that solar panel. I've been watching the price come down steadily for a few years now. Seems like we are almost there. I've seen another model (probably not as powerful) that is on a flexible backing and can be rolled up. That seems like a must for future models. Also recently I've seen rechargable batteries for the Nokia 6000 series cell phones that are themselves solar collectors (basically making the back of your phone into a solar panel.)

As for taking this back in time, we should probably consider Metcalfe's law (the usefulness of any networked device is equal to the square of the number of devices attached to that network.) In other words, in a world without other computer devices, having one would not bestow much utility. Of course with this type of power source and a loud boom box you could probably have a good time. Bonus question: If you were being sent back in time with a solar panel and a boom box, what 3 CD's (or tapes I guess, depending on your boom box) would you bring. Off the top of my head I'm going to say: Kind of Blue, CD 3 from the Dead @ Filmore East 1971 box, and and and and and....

[long time staring at CD collection]

...and shit I can't decide. Maybe another Miles or Dead disc (although that seems sort of silly.) Maybe Paul's Boutique. Maybe Louis and Ella Again.
- jim 2-08-2001 9:58 pm

heres a minute survival kit
- dave 2-08-2001 10:02 pm

That's a good find.
- jim 2-08-2001 10:17 pm

more kits
- dave 2-08-2001 10:53 pm

lets hope that if we had the technology to travel through time that we could find a way to go with more than 3 selections.
- dave 2-09-2001 1:31 am

i am one to be sorry i didnt read it carefully
- Skinny 2-09-2001 4:50 am

jim will you please let me know what the longest thread ever is on DMTree??
- Skinny 2-09-2001 4:55 am

i could tell you but it would just be a yarn.
- dave 2-09-2001 5:48 am

I don't really have any way to tell except to look back through. (I could write something short to figure out which thread has the most nested levels, but that wouldn't be the same as most total comments.)
- jim 2-09-2001 5:24 pm

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- JackieRom (guest) 8-06-2024 7:52 am

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- JackieRom (guest) 8-08-2024 5:00 pm

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