Dave Winer is trying to get in touch with Screaming Media. Hmmm. Now that's a nice fit. I hope somebody over there answers the phone when he calls.
- jim 2-10-2001 3:38 pm

who's this dave winer?
actually our deal is with NYT Syndicate - which includes the Times. yet still the stock keeps slumping...don't tell mike "my backer" wheeler.

"The New York Times Syndicate has signed an agreement with ScreamingMedia Inc. (NASDAQ: SCRM) to use ScreamingMedia's technology platform to deliver their content to any digital platform. ScreamingMedia will aggregate content from NYTS providers, then parse, normalize, categorize and deliver this content, integrating it directly into its over 2,000 subscribers' Web and wireless platforms."
- linda 2-11-2001 6:51 pm

what does winer want with screaming media? does he want to integrate his software or does he want his opinion screaming and streaming?
- dave 2-11-2001 10:53 pm

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