The new server is up (in the lab; not online.) It booted right into Red Hat Linux 6.2. It is extrodinarilly loud. (WHAT?) It came loaded with Gnome (graphic interface) which looks much better than I expected. Just doing some poking around while I decide on a course of action. I think I might want to stay running 6.2, although the CD's I have are for 7.0, so if I want to do a reinstall (which I do) I'd have to either get 6.2 or go to 7.0. Not sure what to do, so I'll try to find some discussion of whether 7.0 is really ready for non-experimental use. I know there were initially some problems with the version of GCC they shipped with 7.0, but I don't know if this has been resolved, or whether it ever really was a problem.

No doubt many more thrilling updates like this one to come.
- jim 2-15-2001 5:34 pm

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