I think we might be sprouting a few more branches.
- jim 2-16-2001 3:46 pm

and who said you didnt have a green thumb. do tell, whose on board? i was just thinking "tree house" would make a nice edition but im not sure what for. open entertainment events listings or portal page or rename for group page.
- dave 2-16-2001 4:06 pm

One considering and one already under construction. I'm not allowed to say more.
- jim 2-16-2001 8:51 pm

agree w/ tree house group is boring!!
- Skinny 2-17-2001 12:33 am

All the old links will break. Although I don't know of any external site that is linked to that page, so I really just mean that all the links from Google will break. I don't really care about that. Anybody else? I agree that Group is boring, but Tree House? Sounds sort of Zoom to me. (Although I consider Dave a name creator extrodinaire, so what do I know?) Anyone else?
- jim 2-17-2001 12:45 am

maybe its the pizzicato 5 im listening to thats zoomy. treehouse seemed to embody the idea but im open to another name maybe some sort of native/primitive structure thats built up in the treetops. let me just run over to the library and do some research. maybe we should come up with a couple and poll it. as for the google problem doesnt seem like a major constraint. at least the old stuff will be cached for awhile, right?
- dave 2-17-2001 1:24 am

I like tree house
- steve 2-17-2001 1:50 am

i was just going to say i like your patterns. very in keeping with the paranoid theme of the week. would make interesting wallpaper or screensavers. first i was thinking playing cards, maybe tarot. need comments on your page.
- dave 2-17-2001 2:05 am

I could never live with wall paper like that, my eyes are already hurting. When I get this thing going I plan on having the patterns kind of buried on their own page somewhere. Do you mean I need a comments section on my page?
- steve 2-17-2001 10:40 am

Looks like "tree house" is carrying the day. Anyone else? Going once....going twice....
- jim 2-18-2001 3:08 pm

Tree House is fine with me. It’s simple and communicative. Trees are (were?) often used as rendezvous, hence “meeting tree”, which is the right idea, but semantically awkward. Or maybe that’s good? Seems like there would be more terms for the phenomenon, but I’m not coming up with any others just now.
- alex 2-18-2001 7:25 pm

yes. you need a place where people can say, "hey...cool pattern."
- dave 2-18-2001 8:03 pm

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