The new basement office construction had stalled for so long I completely forgot about it. But after MB and H fired the plumber and the electrician things are really starting to move. The new plumber (actually a whole team) is a company called "A Real Good Plumber" which sounds stupid unless you've just had a very bad time with a very bad plumber. In that case A Real Good Plumber sounds like exactly what you want. And they are good. But the electricians are really kicking some butt. They'll be done next week and then I guess the sheet rocking can begin. Then it will feel close.
- jim 2-16-2001 6:30 pm

thats always good to know. they do both elec/plum? arent they ev denizens? e3st?
- dave 2-16-2001 7:09 pm

A Real Good Plumber is on St. Marks. The electricians are different. I don't know where they are from but I'll find out if you want.
- jim 2-16-2001 10:12 pm

nothing pressing. just a future reference sort of thing.
- dave 2-16-2001 10:20 pm

O.K., right after I get you the name of that dentist.
- jim 2-16-2001 10:24 pm

ill be ready again for the dentist by the time you get to it.
- dave 2-16-2001 11:41 pm

did you go to toothsavers??
- Skinny 2-17-2001 12:35 am

i did and i was reasonably satisfied except i paid a fair amount of money and never really got the full service. the first day got a quick diagnosis in one room and was then shuttled to an office across the hall where i got an initial scrape and prescription for mouthwash then told to come back in two weeks for a longer appointment. got another scrape. then i think i asked if she was going to take xrays and she told me to come back on the following monday but i wasnt given an appointment. i was just told to show up. i got the sense that this wasnt necessarily normal, or maybe it was but without a specific time for me to show up i couldnt decide when to go, and in the end i just blew it off. i kept thinking i should go but never did. and if i wanted to be assertive i could probably get them to finish the job, after all, theres gold in them there teeth. but in the end i was hoping to find a dentist i would want to deal with on a longer term basis that i liked and trusted. or something like that.
- dave 2-17-2001 1:04 am

I know a good dentist, she's sexy too
- steve 2-17-2001 1:55 am

a sexy dentist? does she have a latex fetish and an ugly male hygienist?
- dave 2-17-2001 2:09 am

Damn, here I go sounding desperate, again, but I, uh, could use a cleaning.
- jimlouis 2-17-2001 2:50 am

I fell in central park and broke a tooth. The ambulance brought me to Toothsavers. They were gracious and helpful. They took me in right away and got me out of pain. Then the gave me a new tooth that looked as good if not better than my real tooth. I have since been back for cleanings and sent two friends who ahve been extremely happy. I thank god I found them that day!

- anonymous (guest) 2-19-2005 5:51 pm

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