Yes, that's right Napster offered the music industry one billion dollars to allow their members unlimited swapping of works for five years. Slashdot. Cnet. FoxNews. I can't imagine they'll except that offer. Or any offer really.
- jim 2-21-2001 4:15 pm

I read that this morning when I inadvertantly found myself awake and upright too early and it made me realize I am so far out of the looop on what Napster is--I have it and use it but--I cannot imagine wherefrom they generate the money to make such an offer, or is that offer based based on the idea of future "paying" accounts? I use it because its free, and with dial up modem, I don't use it that often. Interesting case though.
- jimlouis 2-22-2001 1:22 am

Napster is very well financed, but it's all venture capital. They don't actually make any money. I know it's crazy. They could easily raise a billion dollars though, but this offer is just for show. They know the industry will not accept it.
- jim 2-22-2001 4:47 am

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