My ISP was down from 1:00 am yesterday until 6:00 pm. That seemed like a very long outage. Good to be back. Everything is moving forward.
- jim 3-23-2001 2:28 pm

so did mine but maybe we have the same
- Skinny 3-23-2001 3:01 pm

Yes we do. That's the longest outage I've experienced in 2+ years with them. I'm still quite happy, although that was a long time.
- jim 3-23-2001 6:48 pm

i was ready to go to Times Sq to that store Linda and I found in Amsterdam with all the teminals--dont forget to call me if i,m showing up at Fressan at 7:30 (1/2 hour late) tonight
- Skinny 3-23-2001 7:40 pm

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