Well, that was a long week. A few more coming up. Fun times. I'm very anxious to get this site switched over to the new system software, but that is going to take a back seat to getting that same software running in a more business like context. We'll see if this is possible or not. As I was telling Alex and Bill this week: I don't know if my plan will work or not, but at least I have some sort of definite plan now, and that seems, for me, like a good place to be. I'm still having a little bit of trouble sleeping, but again this isn't a huge problem, as I seem to get some O.K. work done late at night. Today I have a chance at finishing up the commenting system which is the last module necessary for the first release (of the fully operational death star... er, I mean web application.) Perhaps it will take a few more days though. All next week is devoted to the first outside implementation of the system, but I'd like to get this site switched over because that helps me test the whole thing for robustness. Maybe I'll get lucky and everything will go well. Blah blah blah, or in other words, I don't have much to write about these days because my head has been sort of down. I think maybe three weeks or so and then I can look up and reassess.
- jim 3-24-2001 3:38 pm

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