Amazing dinner last night. Great time. I mean except that I stole a few minutes away from the table to preview the new site on my host's IE/Windows machine. And as one might guess, it didn't work at all. Every page 404'd, and not with my '404 document not found' page, but with a 404 page generated internally by IE. Huh? I managed not to start crying, but just barely. Anyway, I spent a few hours combing the message boards at phpbuilder this morning and I found the fix. As crushed as I was last night, now I am equally, and oppositely, charged. Problem; solution. Problem; solution. Down; up. You could get hooked on this ride.

And while the kind of project I am working on has about as much to do with real serious programming as (insert two things here that don't have anything to do with each other) I still found it interesting that David McCusker made a comment yesterday on the same topic I had just written about: programming and sleep. He said,
"I don't know if you've ever had the experience of designing code when you're trying to go to sleep; I don't recommend it very much. It's like telling yourself to turn out the lights, and some other voice answers, uh sure, right after I work out a bit more of this."
- jim 3-25-2001 4:13 pm

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