Some hard drive news this morning. Bet you can't wait. IBM has released a new 48 gigabyte 2.5 inch drive. This is the ultra slim size necessary for small portable computers, and 48 gigs is a nice jump in size. And not only is this the biggest drive in its size, IBM is also claiming it is the most quiet. This is very good news for small notebook owners who have been somewhat limited in storage options.

And if you can't get enough space inside your machine (and let's face it, 48 gigs is nice, but still not enough for some) then you have to go external. And if you've been waiting to make that jump, then you might be interested to know that the new Oxford 911 firewire bridge chipset is making its way into external firewire drives. These things are fast. OWC has external cases utilizing the new chipset and packaged with IBM's totally amazing GXP series drives (3.5 inch in 60 and 75 gig sizes.) I have one of these IBM drives (internally, not in the firewire case) and can attest to their complete butt kickingness. This is the drive for your MP3 collection.
- jim 3-29-2001 2:59 pm

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