Great time last night. I hope this becomes the tradition it is shaping up to be. A little wobbly this morning, but I agree with Alex that it must be that sunspot.

Oh how I wish I had been taping the conversation that was flying at the Local. Bill, Alex, Steve and Tom were dropping some serious science. Our one guest seemed quite well versed in modern music, art, and philosophy, but I'm not sure he fully realized who he was tangling with. I've always been impressed by the level of conversation, but I'm moving toward evangelist. You guys rock.

In the brief part of the conversation where I knew anything about what was being said we did some talking about XML. The link I posted yesterday seemed to have lit a light bulb or two. Here's the offical Tim Berners-lee "Semantic Web roadmap." That's the view from "20,000 feet." Here's the view from 50,000 feet which will fill in any gaps in your knowledge of the pre-semantic web.

Perhaps more interesting, here is Jorn Barger's (of robotwisdon fame) nicely to-the-point argument for why all of this will never work. I love the start: "Every undergrad, encountering Artifical Intelligence for the first time, imagines they can solve its central problem... until they actually try it."
- jim 3-30-2001 4:42 pm

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