Couldn't sleep again last night. What a curious experience. I remember when I was much younger, in my seriously dreading school days, when this would occasionally happen. Usually the night before a big test. The longer you lie awake the more desperate you become to fall asleep, and of course this makes it even harder to do so. "O.K., if I fall asleep right now I can still get three hours..." Anyway, it's not so bad now that I am older and don't have to suffer through big tests anymore. Sure I'm tired now, but maybe I can sleep for a few hours this afternoon. As I always suspected way back then, it IS better to be a grown up (or should I say it's better to be an almost grown up with a nice place to live and no kids and not too many worries except how am I going to get the database to handle sorting on multiple fields...?) Getting to it. Big day. The giant ball of mud continues to grow.
- jim 4-04-2001 3:31 pm

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