Mac OSX has gone golden master. I love computer speak. That means they are not changing it anymore (so developers and others who get advanced copies can be sure about the final release a little bit ahead of time.) Should ship on the 24th. Supposedly it will ship with Quicktime 5, but with no DVD support. With no DVD I can't believe that they will be pushing it too hard at first. I think this will be a relatively quiet release, and then in July they will release the "real" final version with more hoopla, more carbonized applications, and full device support. Possibly it will come installed on all new Macs at that point. Or maybe this is one of Jobs' "one more thing..." sort of surprises. Maybe the no DVD line is a bit of misdirection. All I can do is speculate. They've got me just where they want me. Here's a review of (what I think is) the build just before golden master (this is a review of 4k78, and I think GM is 4k83.)
- jim 3-10-2001 4:08 pm

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